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created:February 21, 2007
about:I organize the largest community of technical founders in Silicon Valley: http://www.hackersandfounders.com . We also have 8 chapters globally for a combined membership of over 8,000+ members.

We are dedicated to helping as many startups as possible grow from garage stage to successful companies. Because of that, we boot strapped our incubator, The Co-op:

First run of The Co-op: 6 startups All --> raised at least seed 4 --> revenue 2 --> press hits in WaPo, NYT, and Inc. 2 --> 3 acquisition offers

All this before Not-a-Demo-Day.

Did I mention our Not-a-Demo-Day was a Scotch Tasting?

Follow us on Angel List: http://angel.co/hackers_and_founders

or, contact:

[email protected] iamelgringo@google's email service
