> I think it can charge when power is cheap (or off solar if you have it), and then power a device (like a fridge) when power is expensive
Yeah that is a cool feature, but at least where I live there is only a few cents / kwh difference between peak and non-peak, which means this 1.6kwh battery system would save at most a nickel a day (~$20/year).
The lack of of an alternative proposal jumped out at me as well. While it’s not explicitly required the post feels incomplete without it.
I think they’re also underselling WebKit a bit. Under Linux it's not too far behind macOS/iOS and work to bring the Windows version up to parity is underway[1].
Unless I missed Unity sorting a ton of stuff out, I assume they're going to have to sell themselves off for parts at some point after the runtime fee fiasco that was supposed to make them profitable lead to developers being angry or outright leaving the ecosystem. My assumption if that happens unless the DOJ gets involved for some reason is MS buys it for this reason.
I’ve never let my kids watch cocomelon (or much screen time at all).
But we do listen to cocomelon. It has some legitimately well done music IMO. For example “over the river and through the woods”.
In my own experience it's a matter of only having that much time in the day. For 7 years I had somewhere between 20-25 people I was directly or indirectly responsible for. There was just not enough time to get anything useful done in the code and my time was much better spent solving problems that others couldn't. A few times I was able to pick up some really simple change just to get the experience first hand to go through all our processes and see where we can do better.
I always kept coding nights and weekends but it's just not the same and over time you are gonna get a little rusty. That said I greatly enjoyed getting my hand dirty all day during a sabbatical I'm taking.
Layman, but I imagine if your blood is flowing to fast doesn't help much the lungs have certain diffusion rates, the waste products wouldn't be increased because your not doing as much work. There is probably an optimal point where anymore just doesn't really matter.
I beat there is some psychological factors to thought you don't have a beat or pulse that is probably unsettling
But those aren't assumptions: they're statements of personal opinion.
> If you use their app, the prices are lower
Now, that's an interesting data point. I am very app-resistant. It's definitely possible that regulars aren't paying the prices I am seeing.
> The food is also very consistent.
This is so surprising to read! In my experience, this was true 1-2 decades ago, but no longer. I actually do crave "good McDonalds" on occasion, but it's so hard to come by that I rarely bother. Even in the EU, where McD's has always tried harder, I now see the same deterioration and neglect.
> All this would lose Chrome some market share but they are starting from a very dominant position, and for the general public it wouldnt be a big deal - people are already convinced that iOS and android devices are listening to them at all times for ad targeting!
IMO, journalists are to blame for this perception. All the journalists that pushed this false narrative should be banned from the field. This is what happens when an "anything for clicks" mentality takes over and directly harms society.
Oh lordy, the "two crews" bifurcation fully written down. What a fantastic way to ship until it becomes far too expensive to ship anything good.
Look, when we break the feedback loop back to the people who wrote the software in the first place, they get happier for a bit, you make some other people sadder for a bit, and then slowly your feature crew never want to be interrupted or bothered again and your customer crew can't get enough resources to fully fix anything.
Worse, your feature crews aren't learning anything beyond how to get those lines out the door, which will somehow get slower and more expensive as time goes on. Why? Because you removed the one fitness function on good software development which is to fully re-incorporate the negative feedback back into the source of development.
A real CTO leadership handbook would say clearly "it's your responsibility to help your developers improve, especially while shipping, and they're not always going to be happy about it."
You are wrong. Your searches are still sent to the original search provider before the redirect extension takes over. It defeats any privacy Kagi could possibly provide.
I can say I find the CVS machines slow the few times I’ve used them. Possibly Home Depot too but I have little experience.
But at Target, Whole Foods, and two local grocery chains it just hasn’t been an issue.
The UI is slow if you need to enter a code for a vegetable or when you hit pay, but for scanning it works fine if I ignore the slow prompts and just go at a comfortable speed.
>how this was news
I'll explain. It's a 'news' article from an arm of a multinational conglomerate trying to massage the economic harm the isolationist fascists currently in charge of the us govt are doing for (hopefully) obvious material reasons. see also: literally any of wapo's recent journalistic history, the nyt on gaza, social media like twitter's political shift, the tech ceo's in the front row of trump's inauguration, or if you prefer books, manufacturing consent, technofuedalism (yanis), surveillance capitalism, etc, etc, etc. capitalists stick together.
> It is possible not to conflict with existing parallel deployments, but depending on your IPC mechanism, it is by no means assured when you're not forking and are instead launching an external process.
Sure, some IPC approaches can run into issues, such as using TCP connections over loopback. However, I'm describing an approach that should never conflict since the resources that are shared are inherited directly, and since the binary would be embedded in your application bundle and not shared with other programs on the system. A similar example would be language servers which often work this way: no need to worry about conflicts between different instances of language servers, different language servers, instances of different versions of the same language server, etc.
There's also some precedent for this approach since as far as I understand it, it's also what the Go-based ESBuild tool does[1], also popular in the Node.JS ecosystem (it is used by Vite.)
> For example, it could by default bind a specific default port. This would work in the 'naive' situation where the client doesn't specify a port and no parallel instances are running. ...but if two instances are running, they'll both try to use the same port. Arbitrary applications can connect to the same port. Maybe you want to share a single compiler service instance between client apps in some cases?
> Not conflicting is not a property of parallel binary deployment and communication via IPC by default.
> IPC is, by definition intended to be accessible by other processes.
Yes, although the set of processes which the IPC mechanism is designed to be accessible by can be bound to just one process, and there are cross-platform mechanisms to achieve this on popular desktop OSes. I can not speak for why one would choose TCP over stdin/stdout, but, I don't expect that tsc will pick a method of IPC that is flawed in this way, since it would not follow precedent anyway. (e.g. tsserver already uses stdio[2].)
> Jupyter kernels for example are launched with a specified port and a secret by cli argument if I recall correctly.
> However, you'd have to rely on that mechanism being built into the typescript compiler service.
> ...ie. it's a bit complicated right?
> Worth it for the speedup? I mean, sure. Obviously there is a reason people don't embed postgres. ...but they don't try to ship a copy of it along side their apps either (usually).
Well, I wouldn't honestly go as far as to say it's complicated. There's a ton of precedent for how to solve this issue without any conflict. I can not speak to why Jupyter kernels use TCP for IPC instead of stdio, I'm very sure they have reasons why it makes more sense in their case. For example, in some use cases it could be faster or perhaps just simpler to have multiple channels of communication, and doing this with multiple pipes to a subprocess is a little more complicated and less portable than stdio. Same for shared memory: You can always have a protocol to negotiate shared memory across some serial IPC mechanism, but you'll almost always need a couple different shared memory backends, and it adds some complexity. So that's one potential reason.
That said, in this case, I think it's a non-issue. ESBuild and tsserver demonstrate sufficiently that communication over stdio is sufficient for these kinds of use cases.
And of course, even if the Jupyter kernel itself has to speak the TCP IPC protocols used by Jupyter, it can still subprocess a theoretical tsc and use stdio-based IPC. Not much complexity to speak of.
Also, unrelated, but it's funny you should say that about postgres, because actually there have been several different projects that deliver an "embeddable" subset of postgres. Of course, the reasoning for why you would not necessarily want to embed a database engine are quite a lot different from this, since in this case IPC is merely an implementation detail whereas in the database case the network protocol and centralized servers are essentially the entire point of the whole thing.
Expected, but this makes it clear that Mozilla's morality is dictated by where their paychecks are coming from. They're basically saying that they need to be paid by Google to challenge Google. That's not what Google is paying you for.
The hilarious part is that there's no alternate proposal, and nothing (here) addressing Google in terms of antitrust at all. It's just a plea for half-billion dollar yearly checks from their competitor, for reasons. They want to be paid by Google so they can continue to challenge Google, but don't challenge Google in any way, right here, right now.
The reason Google spent billions on Firefox is for this letter, not for hits from a browser with 5% market share that 100% uses adblockers.
edit: also, how far has Netscape fallen? This is embarrassing for me to read, it had to be embarrassing to write.
The issue under Biden was protectionist/preferential policies which were challenged and got changed through the dispute mechanism[2]. The changed policy was then disputed again but the US lost the dispute[3].
The US has never gotten close to surpassing the tariff-rate quotas so the tariffs haven't applied.[4] Though the American dairy industry claims that's because of further protectionist policies.[5]
I'm not an expert on this so if you have more specific information please share sources.
Chain of custody only covers from when the evidence came into the hands of the police; the real issue here is original provenance, which chain of custody doesn't solve.
Evidence of provenance is already important, to be sure, but the the ability to have some degree of validation of the contents has itself provided some evidence of provenance; lose that and there is a real challenge.
Seeking an experienced Elixir/Phoenix developer for a long-term remote contract with our seed-stage startup client. Work async-first with our team of seasoned Elixir experts on a LiveView app deployed on Fly.io.
Must have: Elixir/Phoenix, SaaS experience, strong async communication.
Yeah that is a cool feature, but at least where I live there is only a few cents / kwh difference between peak and non-peak, which means this 1.6kwh battery system would save at most a nickel a day (~$20/year).