you're right, I probably could have saved some money by using Hertzner! But I'm used to using Digital Ocean, and most of my projects haven't had these scaling problems, and I think changing my stack ahead of launching the project would have been a mistake.
If I was planning to keep the site up for long I would have moved, but in this case I knew it was temporary and so toughing it out on DO seemed like a better choice.
Haha yeah of course, the click a button thing is super convenient.
I recently had to rebuild my box because I left a postgres instance open on 5432 with admin:admin credentials, and without default firewalls in place it got owned immediately.
Yeah I think this was particularly handy for Redis - click a box to upgrade my Redis instance (or add a Replica) while maintaining data with full uptime was really really nice.
Painful to use managed redis when I was debugging (let me log in! let me change stuff! give me the IP!! ahhhhh!!!!) but really nice otherwise. A little painful to think about giving that up, although I coulda run a really hefty redis setup on hertzner for very little money!
If I was planning to keep the site up for long I would have moved, but in this case I knew it was temporary and so toughing it out on DO seemed like a better choice.