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Ask HN: What are you using to parse PDFs for RAG?
163 points by carlbren 39 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 95 comments
Hi, I'm looking for a simple way to convert PDFs into markdown with integrated images and tables. Tried Llamaindex, but no integrated images. Tried Langchain, but some PDFs will have the footer being parsed before the top. Tried to use Adobe PDF API, but have to pay $25K upfront!

We have been using different things for text, images, and tables. I think it's worth pointing out that PDFs are extremely messy under-the-hood so expecting perfect output is a fool's errand; transformers are extremely powerful and can often do surprisingly well even when you've accidentally mashed a set of footnotes into the middle of a paragraph or something.

For text, unstructured seems to work quite well and does a good job of quickly processing easy documents while falling back to OCR when required. It is also quite flexible with regards to chunking and categorization, which is important when you start thinking about your embedding step. OTOH it can definitely be computationally expensive to process long documents which require OCR.

For images, we've used PyMuPDF. The main weakness we've found is that it doesn't seem to have a good story for dealing with vector images - it seems to output its own proprietary vector type. If anyone knows how to get it to output SVG that'd obviously be amazing.

For tables, we've used Camelot. Tables are pretty hard though; most libraries are totally fine for simple tables, but there are a ton of wild tables in PDFs out there which are barely human-readable to begin with.

For tables and images specifically, I'd think about what exactly you want to do with the output. Are you trying to summarize these things (using something like GPT-4 Vision?) Are you trying to present them alongside your usual RAG output? This may inform your methodology.

> I think it's worth pointing out that PDFs are extremely messy under-the-hood so expecting perfect output is a fool's errand


A while ago someone asked me why their banking solution doesn't allow to paste payment amounts (among other things) and surely there must be a way to do it correctly.

Not with PDF. What a person reads as a single number may be any grouping of entities which may or may not paste correctly.

Some banks simply don't want to deal with this sort of headache.

How do you combine the outputs? Wouldn't there be data duplication between unstructured text and tables?

We just skip several of unstructured's categories, such as tables and images. We also do some deduplication post-ANN as we want to optimize for novelty as well as relevance. That being said, how are you planning to embed an image or a table to make it searchable? It sounds simple in theory, but how do you generate an actually good image summary (without spending huge amounts of money filling OpenAI's coffers for negligible benefit)? How do you embed a table?

Thanks for answering! In my case, I don't directly use RAG; but rather post-process documents via LLMs to extract a set of specific answers. That's also why I've asked about deduplication - asking LLM to provide an answer from 2 different data sources (invalid unstructured table text & valid structured table contents) quickly ramps up errors.

I am surprised nobody has mentioned it yet.

If this is for anything slightly commercial related you are probably going to have the best luck using Textract/Document Intelligence/Document AI. Nothing else listed in the comments is as accurate, especially when trying to extract forms, tables and text. Multi-modal will take care of your the images. The combination of those two will get you a great representation of the PDF.

Opensource tools work and can be extremely powerful but you 1) won't have images and 2) your workflows will break if you are not building it for a specific pdf template.

I completely agree. Like the previous comment mentioned, I've explored this area over the past year, and in my tests, the offerings from Amazon, Google, and Microsoft were far superior to the open-source options, especially for long documents. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is.

OCR itself isn't the issue; most open-source models handle that adequately. The problem lies in the lack of comprehensive features:

- Identification of chapters and headings

- Segmentation of headers and footers with an easy way to filter them out

- Handling of images

- Correctly processing two-column or other non-standard layouts

- Avoiding out-of-memory (OOM) errors, which, while not a flaw of the open-source software itself, is a common and frustrating issue

- Transcription of tables and forms, which exists in open-source models but isn't as effective

These ergonomic features are where the open-source solutions fall short.

Perfectly put!

Other challenges are:

1. Complex layout tables, tables that span multiple pages

2. Handwritten text - in loan processing and income tax documents

3. Checkboxes and radio buttons are so important in insurance and loan processing to automate workflows.

4. Scanned images

5. Photographed documents from the field.

6. Orientation - landscape mode vs. Portrait mode

7. Text represented as a Bezier curve

8. Non-aligned texts in multicolumn text layout

9. Background images and watermarks

Other important considerations:

1. Privacy and security - cloud vs. On-premise

2. Performance and speed of extraction at scale

3. If you are ultimately feeding to LLMs to intelligence then how does the extractor help in reducing tokens

Anyone curious about why parsing PDF is hell for RAG you can refer this - https://unstract.com/blog/pdf-hell-and-practical-rag-applica...

[edit] - formatting

Hi, I'm the author of marker - https://github.com/VikParuchuri/marker - from my testing, marker handles almost all the issues you mentioned. The biggest issue (that I'm working on fixing right now) is formatting tables properly.

Having explored this topic over the passed month this is the correct answer. And it has been mentioned in the comments by jumploops

Azure Document Intelligence with the Document Layout Model is pretty damn amazing at this.

Key thing is it labels titles, headers, sections, etc. This way you can stuff headers into the child chunks for much better RAG.

For use in retrieval/RAG, an emerging paradigm is to not parse the PDF at all.

By using a multi-modal foundation model, you convert visual representations ("screenshots") of the pdf directly into searchable vector representations.

Paper: Efficient Document Retrieval with Vision Language Models - https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.01449

Vespa.ai blog post https://blog.vespa.ai/retrieval-with-vision-language-models-... (my day job)

I do something similar in my file-renamer app (sort.photos if you want to check it out):

1. Render first 2 pages of PDF into a JPEG offline in the Mac app.

2. Upload JPEG to ChatGPT Vision and ask what would be a good file name for this.

It works surprisingly well.

I'm sure this will change over time, but I have yet to see an LMM that performs (on average) as well as decent text extraction pipelines.

Text embeddings for text also have much better recall in my tests.

No multi-modal model is ready for that in reality. The accuracy from other tools to extract tables and text are far superior.

You have detractors, but this is the future.

Is anyone actually having success with this approach? If so, how and with what models (and prompts)?

Claude.ai handles tables very well, at least in my tests. It could easily convert a table from a financial document into a markdown table, among other things.

In my experience Azure’s Form Recognizer (now called “Document Intelligence”) is the best (cheapest/most accurate) PDF parser for tabular data.

If I were working on this problem in 2024, I’d use Azure to pre-process all docs into something machine parsable, and then use an LLM to transform/structure the processed content into my specific use-case.

For RAG, I’d treat the problem like traditional search (multiple indices, preprocess content, scoring, etc.).

Make the easy things easy, and the hard things possible.

Did you encounter hidden costs when using Azure Document Intelligence? I processed some PDFs using the paid tier, but the resulting costs were way higher than expected, despite using a prebuilt layout model for only structured extraction. Have no clue what could cause it, no extra details on the billing page. Not sure if the price is misleading, or if it's a skill issue on my part :)

We did not, I remember costs matching our expectations.

With that said, I have only used the previous tool (Form Recognizer) in production. Not sure if the new rebrand/product suite has more opaque costs.

Open Source Full Featured: https://github.com/Filimoa/open-parse/ [mine]

https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/api_reference/node_pars... [text splitters lose page metadata]

https://github.com/VikParuchuri/marker [strictly to markdown]

Layout Parsers: These are collections of ML models to parse the core "elements" from a page (heading, paragraph, etc). You'll still need to work on combining these elements into queryable nodes. https://github.com/Layout-Parser/layout-parser



Commercial: https://reducto.ai/ [great, expensive]

https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/llama_cloud/llama_parse... [cheapest, but buggy]

https://cloud.google.com/document-ai https://aws.amazon.com/textract/

PyMuPDF seems to be intended for this use-case and mentions images:


(Though the article linked above has the feeling, to me, of being at least partly AI-written, which does cause me to pause)

> Update: We have now published a new package, PyMuPDF4LLM, to easily convert the pages of a PDF to text in Markdown format. Install via pip with `pip install pymupdf4llm`. https://pymupdf4llm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

So it works for complicated tables et al.?

You may have to write a custom tracer.

My use case is research papers. That means very clear text, combined with graphs of varying form and quality and finally occasional formulas.

Two approaches I had most, but not full, success with are: 1) converting to image with pdf2image, then reading with pytesseract 2) throwing whole pdfs into pypdf 3) experimental multimodal models

You can get more if you make content more predictable (if you know this part is going to be pure text just put it in pypdf, if you know this is going to be a math formula explain the field to the model and have it read it back for high accessibility needs audience) the better it will go, but it continues to be a nightmare and a bottleneck.

Depending on how much structure you want to extract before passing the pdf contents to the next step in your pipeline, this paper[1] might be helpful in surfacing more options. It's a review/benchmark of numerous tools applied to the information extraction of academic documents. I haven't been through to evaluate the solutions they examined, but it's how I discovered GROBID and IMO lays out the strengths of each approach clearly.

[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.09957

I have great news I wish someone delivered to me when I was in your shoes - try "GROBID". It parses papers into objects with abstract/body/figures! It will help you out a great deal. It is designed for papers and can extract the text almost flawlessly, but also give information on graphs for separate processing. I have several years experience with academic text processing (including presentations) working with an Academic Publisher if I could be helpful to anything?

I have no idea how did I miss them last time I was looking around, unless they grew significantly over last half a year or so. I'll check it out when I get back to this project, thanks.

I wish I was hiring, if that's what you're asking ;) Otherwise, if you have any ideas for processing formulas (even just for reading them out, but any extra steps towards expressing what they mean - ' 'sum divided by count' is 'mean'/'average' value ' being the most simple example I can think of) I'd love to hear them. Novel ideas in technical papers are often expressed with formulas which aren't that complicated conceptually, but are critical to understanding the whole paper and that was another piece I was having very mixed results with.

No worries. Sure, as to Formulas... I suspect many of them are LaTeX. If it is possible to parse that, it could help? At sufficient picture quality, vision models can accurately parse images of formulas to photos.

Neither will probably help you with a "readable" formula system because in my experience the readers that do this for LaTeX or normal formula text have flaws any way (it's also slightly cultural and dependent on field of study). Maybe the best bet is a prompt to a vision model with "read this formula out loud in a digestible, understandable concise way".. though this may have issues with the recall accuracy.

Check out appjsonify for research papers

You can start to look at pdftotext -layout and pandoc maybe.

Personally I hope a day publishers start learning about the value of data and their representations so they decide to embed them like a *sv file attached to a pdf where the tabular data are immediately available, a .gp and alike file for graphs etc. Essentially the concept of embedding pdf "sources" as an attachment. In LaTeX it's easy to attach the LaTeX itself to the final pdf but so far no one seems to be interested to do so as an habit.

Came here to say pandoc. OP, I've setup stacks for taking physical books to editable pdf, ebook, and asciidoc. You can do it to markdown too. Add in tesseract for ocr to catch misses and you are good! (be careful on foreign language sections)

My apps are native Mac apps [0] [1] so naturally I use the native SDK for that.

Apple provides PDFKit framework to work with PDFs and it works really well.

For scanned documents, I use the Vision framework to OCR the content.

Some additional content cleaning is still required but overall I don’t need any other third-party libraries.

[0]: https://boltai.com

[1]: https://pdfpals.com

Let's apply your app to your home page, easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Reader mode, copy all text.

2. Prompt ChatGPT 4o:

Which headline or sentence structures in the following web page copy suggest a non-native English speaker, and how should each incorrect phrase be fixed for most native-sounding American English? Omit testimonials written by others, just focus on the marketing copy and faq, include reasons for revision.

3. Response:

Here are refined sentences focused on the marketing copy and FAQs:

Original: "From blog outlines, to highly technical content."

- Punctuation: "From blog outlines to highly technical content."

Original: "Natively intergrated with your favorite apps."

- Spelling: "Natively integrated with your favorite apps."

Original: "All costs are estimated, please refer to your OpenAI dashboard for the most accurate cost of your API key."

- Structure: "All costs are estimates. Please refer to your OpenAI dashboard for the most accurate pricing for your API key."

Original: "How does license work?"

- Non-native indicator: "How does the license work?"

Original: "The ChatGPT Plus subscription is separate and managed by OpenAI, it does not provide an API key that you can use with BoltAI."

- Punctuation: "The ChatGPT Plus subscription is separate and managed by OpenAI; it does not provide an API key for BoltAI."

Original: "Do you offer team plan license?"

- Non-native indicator: "Do you offer a team plan license?"

Original: "Absolutely. If for any reason you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a refund within 30 days of purchase."

- Fluency: "Absolutely. If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 30 days."

These edits aim to make the text sound more natural and fluent in American English, improving clarity and coherence.

Thank you. I will improve my landing page following your suggestion. You're right, I'm not a native English speaker

Haven’t tried converting it to markdown specifically, but if you want to try a different approach, google’s DocAI has been pretty great. It provides you with the general structure of the document as blocks (paragraph and headers) with coordinates. This makes it so you can send that data to an LLM during the RAG process and get citations of where the answers were found, down to the line of text.

For my use case, overall Marker seems to work pretty well - but it has issues with tables. Merged cells, misplaced headers, and so forth. I'm currently extracting Polish PDFs that are //not// scanned

When compared to Azure Document Intelligence, Marker is really cheap when self-hosted (assuming you fall under the license requirements), but it does not produce high quality data. YMMV.

Working on improving tables soon (I'm the author of marker)

Glad to hear that :) Thanks for developing Marker!

2nd that. Marker work pretty well as async internal service for us! Thanks!

Yeah, the header stuff (and empty cells) for tables needs some work.

Maker worked pretty well for me in my limited testing. They also have a hosted solution:


Maybe Nougat? The examples look pretty impressive: https://facebookresearch.github.io/nougat/ https://github.com/facebookresearch/nougat

Though the model weight licenses are CC by NC

Tables are a hard case for RAG, even if you parse them perfectly into Markdown, the LLMs still tend to struggle with interpreting them.

Indeed! Accuracy is only a part of the problem. One way to crack this is to maintain the layout in the extraction. Layout preservation means more context and better LLM interpretation. A write-up is here if you are curious https://unstract.com/blog/extract-table-from-pdf/

I've had most success using PDFMinerLoader


It deals pretty well with PDF containing a lot of images.

for web PDFs I'm using https://jina.ai/reader/ — completely free. Does most of the job fine.

Code: https://github.com/jina-ai/reader

Not open source, the code just calls their proprietary API.

I've experimented with GCP's Stack using Agent Builder and relying on Gemini Pro 1.5.

I also experimented with pretty large of various files (around 6000 video games full notices) where I used OCR parsing in a similar configuration with mixed results due to the visual complexity of the original content.

Hi! Show HN: Zerox – Document OCR with GPT-mini | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41048194

This lib converts pdf page by page to image and feed it to gpt-4o-mini The results are pretty good!

Previously have used https://github.com/pdf2htmlEX/pdf2htmlEX to convert PDF to HTML at scale, could potentially try and parse the output html to markdown as second stage.

I looked into this but the html this thing outputs is a noisy mess.

Llamaparse by LlamaIndex is probably SOTA at the moment and seems to have no problems with tables. Pricing is good at the moment too.


Fascinating discussion- but ‘RAG’? Sorry probably obvious but can someone clue me in

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a technique for enhancing the accuracy and reliability of generative AI models with facts fetched from external sources

Thank you. Much obliged

We're currently implementing this with https://mathpix.com/, it is not free but really not that expensive. It looks very promising

I had some success using pdfpig, by ugly toad.


Plus you get to rise the eyebrows of your colleagues.

Did you try llamaparse from Llamaindex? It’s a cloud service with a free tier. Recently switched to it from unstructured.io and it works great with the kinds of images and table graphics I feed it.

I need to get some data out of a table in a regularly published PDF file.

The thing is the table looks like a table when the PDF is rendered, but there's nothing within the PDF itself to semantically mark it out as a table: it's just a bunch of text and graphical elements placed on the page in an arrangement that makes them look like a table to a human being reading the document.

What I've ended up doing, after much experimentation[0], is use poppler to convert the PDF to HTML, then find the start and end of the table by matching on text that always appears at header and footer. Fortunately the row values appear in order in the markup so I can then look at the x coordinates of the elements to figure out which column they belong to or, rather, when a new row starts.

What I actually do due to #reasons is spit out the rows into a text file and then use Lark to parse each row.

Bottom line: it works well for my use case but I'd obviously recommend you avoid any situation where your API is a PDF document if at all possible.

EDIT: A little bit more detail might be helpful.

You could use poppler to convert to HTML, then from there implement a pipeline to convert the HTML to markdown. Just bear in mind that the HTML you get out of poppler is far removed from anything semantic, or at least it has been with the PDFs I'm working with: e.g., lots of <span> elements with position information and containing text, but not much to indicate the meaning. Still, you may find that if you implement a pipeline, where each stage solves one part of the problem of transforming to markdown, you can get something usable.

Poppler will spit out the images for you but, for reasons I've already outlined, tables are likely to be painful to deal with.

I notice some commenters suggesting LLM based solutions or services. I'd be hesitant about that. You might find an LLM helpful if there is a high degree of variability within the structural elements of the documents you're working with, or for performing specific tasks (like recognising and extracting markup for a table containing particular information of interest), but I've enough practical experience with LLMs not to be a maximalist, so I don't think a solely LLM-based approach or service will provide a total solution.

[0] Python is well served with libraries that either emit or parse PDFs but working with PDF object streams is no joke, and it turned out to be more complex and messier - for my use case - than simply converting the PDF to an easier to work with format and extracting the data that way.

I would recommend give LLMWhisperer a try with the documents pertaining to your use case.


Try demo in playground: https://pg.llmwhisperer.unstract.com/

Quick tutorial: https://unstract.com/blog/extract-table-from-pdf/

not open source, and OP seems to be the owner.

it is open-source, the main platform is - Unstract https://github.com/Zipstack/unstract

Nope, LLMWhisperer to parse PDFs is called through an paid API.

I'm not sure why the comment is downvoted! Let me see; the OP did not specifically try/ask for open-source solutions; at least, that is what I read.

Let me break it down!

As one of the commenters mentioned, he/she uses four different tools to parse PDFs to handle common parsing cases — tables, tables with images, OCR, layouts, handwriting, etc.

With LLMwhisperer, you don't need that.

Parsing is just a part of the problem. Engineers still need to figure out what LLM models work/are sufficient, reduce costs(tokens) and performance(parsing a million pages), and make the AI stack production-ready.

LLMWhisperer at least handles most use cases and moves out of your way fast.

Also, LLMwhisperer is not open-source; it's API is charged based on pages parsed.

I convert the PDF to images and then parse the images with tesseract OCR. That’s been the most consistent approach to run locally.

What resolution do you use? Any other tips?


Check out this - https://hellorag.ai/

What's RAG?

Retrieval Augmented Generation. It's a way to automatically provide an LLM model with the correct context based on the user's question, providing information directly into the model context, used for information that's not part of the model training.

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrieval-augmented_generation

"Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is a type of information retrieval process. It modifies interactions with a large language model (LLM) so that it responds to queries with reference to a specified set of documents, using it in preference to information drawn from its own vast, static training data."

It's a way of giving LLMs extra information (usually fast changing) that they were no trained with so that you can have them return relevant information. Think of asking an LLM "Who is Paul Graham" (assuming PG is relatively unknown) and it would say it doesn't know. But if you search your own knowledge base and then augment the prompt to something like "Paul Graham is a well known Venture Capitalist. Who is Paul Graham?", it can give you that information back. The idea of adding the extra information is the augmenting and you do that by retrieving relevant information from a knowledge base before you involve the LLM.

Have you tried Pandoc [0]?

[0] https://pandoc.org/

Checkout this https://parsedog.io

As others have mentioned, if you have text-only PDFs then pypdf is free, fast and simple.

Apache Tika Server is very easy to set up - it can be configured to use tesseract for OCR.

Came here to mention Tika. I just set up a small POC with the 'full' tika docker container - default OCR bundled (with... 5 languages? English, Spanish, etc).

I parsed a PDF and when looking at the output, I noticed 'united stotes of america' was in the text. Didn't make any sense... Digging further, I saw that it had also parsed the images in the PDF, and one of them was some govt logo with bad artifacting. It did indeed read more like 'stotes' than 'states'.

Edit: That said, the OP asked about tables. I haven't tested any table stuff with tika (not something I need right now). Is the tika table support any good? Does it even exist? Seems like it might not really matter for many tika use cases (but I might be missing something obvious!)

mupdf's mutool gives access to most data of all solutions I have checked.

Jina.ai’s API is one of the best parsers I’ve seen. And better priced.

For my RAG projet [WDoc](https://github.com/thiswillbeyourgithub/WDoc/tree/dev) I use multiple pdf parser then use heuristics the keep the best one. The code is at https://github.com/thiswillbeyourgithub/WDoc/blob/654c05c5b2...

And the heurstics are partly based on using fasttext to detecr languages : https://github.com/thiswillbeyourgithub/WDoc/blob/654c05c5b2...

It's probably crap for tables but I don't want to rely on external parsers.

nowadays you might have some luck feeding PNG images to multimodal LLMs.

Have you tried unstructured.io? So far seems promising.

have to pay $25K upfront

That's a lot of your money.

It's not a big dose of OPM (Other People's Money).

When building a business, adequate capitalization solve a lot technical problems and it is no different when a business is built. If you aren't building a business, money is different and there's nothing wrong with not building a business. Good luck.

Idk man, it's a massive chunk of Other People's Money too. Prices like this is why Microsoft Teams has dominance over Slack.

There's really two use cases:

1. If you don't use the budget, you have less budget. I see this happen a lot in construction too, where each project has a set budget and it goes down or gets stolen in time. They'd rather pay $25k for the lifetime of a 2 year project than pay $500/month. (the other fear is that these startups shut down in a year)

2. Tax exemptions, or some sort of money laundering where there's more value to pay a big name lots of money.

For me it wouldn't be about the 25k upfront,it is just working with Adobe is incredibly painful, same for Oracle. I really really don't want to work with them in any capacity if i can avoid.

If say MS charged the same or even double that I would still work with them, they at-least they don't treat their customers as criminals.

There's a lot of valid business cases that rely on parsing PDFs but does not warrant spending $25k on it.

I've helped prototype something using PyMuPDF. It worked as well as it had to, and it didn't cost $25k.

Strange comment and bad advice in general. This is a problem that doesn't need $25k to be solved. You're basically telling them to give up or raise money for no reason at all.

I understand your idea, but if you are sure that a software is excellent, then paying for it is a good habit.

25k isn't exactly pocket change!

We have an excellent solution for this at Brainchain AI that we call Carnivore.

We're only a few days away from deploying an SDK for this exactly use case among some others.

If you'd like to speak with our team, please contact us! We would love to help you get through your PDF and other file type parsing issues with our solution. Feel free to ping us at data [at] brainchain.ai

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