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Common Lisp and Emacs Hacker Needed for Code Pirate Queen (muupi.com)
1 point by shemus9 48 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Ok, I want to publicly apologize for the python thing I cannot live with myself unless we are fully committed to emacs and common lisp I don't care if I am banned from IRC or other platforms, I am used to being banned from marketplaces for highly aggressive prospecting The fact is, until there are COMMON JOBS using MUUPI EMACS and COMMON LISP as the default standard, I can't look in the mirror I set out to get all my homies out of rotmaxxing and to QUEEN USERS, that's what I'll do or die. Not until all my beautiful birds are free. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPntjTPWgKE

WE HIRE OUR FIRST COMMON LISP AND EMACS DEVELOPER AND HE KNOWS ABOUT BILLIBILLI :3 (maraca emoji, whale emoji, blocked on hackernews for some reason) WE AT PIRATE QUEEN ARE SO HAPPY PERFECT FIT AND WE PUT HIM ON >EARLY< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St3aahe1kEk

hunh. if you're a scam, you're a scam that knows how to hook me. the code deck says "hates facebook / loves 90s" -- that's the type of crazy i love to see. i'm more of a scheme / ryol person, but lemme look at the code and find you online.

it's really nice to see genz looking at lisp. if nothing else, nice to see people not taking guff for liking what they like.

Good send me an email at [email protected] also my phone number is +1 435 216 1912, can video call need to get this started in 12-18 hours ideally we need TEAM for the QUEEN it's not really an individualistic culture I think

I need common lisp hackers and emacs hackers ASAP for startup I have a lot of features needed muupi.com pitch.muupi.com we need to be going in 12 hours time. If you do not know common lisp it is fine we do pair programming only you will learn quick and the code base is minimal

Code base is at git.muupi.com.

Basically, common lisp people are needed for developing the muupi rendering engine in hutchentoot we also have patentable device I need to migrate the operating system into common lisp away from FreeRTOS C++ we have the market and 20% growth rate

Emacs people are needed for CRM which is coded in org mode. We have several hundred prospects and qualifiers in the pipeline and I am onboarding sales team mainly from Puerto Rico cosplayers referral

I will give you whatever you need to be happy. Equity, salary, you can be the boss. I am so, so sick of people assuming I am a scam artist. Actually it makes me furious because I have sacrificed everything for this. People on IRC assume I am a scam artist even after showing the code base at git.muupi.com, showing the incorporation documents. They told me to post here instead to show I am 'legitimate', I feel disgusted by them. We have like 12 features and I barely have any time. WE NEED TO GET STARTED IN LIKE 18 HOURS THE SALES TEAM IS ALMOST DONE BEING FORMED. I do not care if my startup seems strange we have 20% weekly growth rate and I need the execution not the talk and certainly not having to be the emotional regulator for others fear and anxiety disorder.

I thought python is easier, but what I've learned is most channels prevent posting job ads / recruitment / anything remunerative... Not only do they prevent it, but they are INCREDIBLY RUDE ABOUT IT :D Job board will not allow contract as title of FIRST MAID. TO THE USERS, THEIR PIRATE QUEEN, HER WHALE SIMP If it's just me, to be honest I will stick with emacs and CL because it's faster and a lot easier ;3 and it feels easier to just 10x my output with common lisp than hiring and dealing with the mess and bureaucracy interested hackers may apply but you must love the pirate queen + whale

Also shoutout to #gentoo-chat for not being dickwads you're the real ones

Based on overwhelmingly negative response by IRC we have decided to switch to python to ensure features are shipped when they are good enough to ship. Also we have decided to switch to Microsoft / Hubspot for operations away from org mode and foss. I am frustrated I tried to create these operations at a bit of reputational cost for the sake of my old homies on IRC but they both do not remember me and also apparently hate/are disgusted by me. I am glad to learn these very unpleasant lessons NOW rather than 3 months from now when the stakes are much higher.

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