> Technically, you can stop evolution from happening.
Yeah, but would anyone do that to an entire civilization? Evolution leads to greater 'fitness' - improved adaptation to the environment. The travellers are jumping from $HOME_PLANET, into a generation ship, onto a new planet presenting novel adaptation challenges. That planet's star-system then eventually sets off on a long journey, until it encounters a new star. Each of these stages takes many times the time humans have existed on Earth. If you consider only modern humans, we've only been around for 50,000 years, maybe.
And "modern humans" isn't a civilization; it's really all of the different, successive human civilizations.
If you could imagine that, in addition to making stone tools and animal-hide clothes, neanderthals had also learned how to freeze evolution, do you think those guys would be well-adapted to a planet-hopping future? I don't.
Yeah, but would anyone do that to an entire civilization? Evolution leads to greater 'fitness' - improved adaptation to the environment. The travellers are jumping from $HOME_PLANET, into a generation ship, onto a new planet presenting novel adaptation challenges. That planet's star-system then eventually sets off on a long journey, until it encounters a new star. Each of these stages takes many times the time humans have existed on Earth. If you consider only modern humans, we've only been around for 50,000 years, maybe.
And "modern humans" isn't a civilization; it's really all of the different, successive human civilizations.
If you could imagine that, in addition to making stone tools and animal-hide clothes, neanderthals had also learned how to freeze evolution, do you think those guys would be well-adapted to a planet-hopping future? I don't.