I'm due to quit my job this week to work full-time on my startup. I've done much of the back end work over the past year in my free time but I'll need help with the front end.
It's a pretty standard web app focused on a narrow vertical in the cargo industry. I've contacted several designers I found on dribbble /sortfolio and received quotes between $50 and $120 per hour with estimates of between 20 and 40 hours per page. That would make the cheapest page $1000. Let's say I need 10 pages for the web app (which I could then use as templates for other pages). I'm looking at a minimum of $10000 and probably much more.
I've read many many posts about how boot-strapped businesses got off the ground and to my knowledge I've never heard of any startup paying such a high amount for design, so how did they do it? Are there places besides sortfolio and dribbble that I can find designers?
1) BCC (old design): Grabbed an appropriate template from oswd.org. Chopped the heck out of it. Cost: free, but spent quite a bit of time. Quality: it didn't scare people?
2) BCC (new design): Found a very talented young lady in India on elance. Cost: a few hundred bucks. Quality: I won't win most-beautiful-site-ever awards, but the cost performance was outstanding.
3) Appointment Reminder: WooThemes template, lightly customized with a logo from 99Designs and a central image that a designer friend made for me. Cost: $169 + what the designer charged. He asked me not to say, but suffice it to say that it is much less than you are contemplating. Quality: The app itself doesn't knock socks off, but the front page does.
I don't begrudge the high-end designers their fees -- some of them produce very nice work indeed. However, I don't know if that's necessarily the best place to put $10k to work for a B2B startup.