I release these ideas, without warranty, under the uncommon creativity license. I tried to give them to a bum, but he turned his nose and said they were worthless.
The Game of Bureaucracy
-Thousands of individual players at various stations of a bureaucracy.
-They have a job to do, which can usually be boiled down to input and output, inbound and outbound, incoming/forwarding.
-Each station is supposed to fulfill a requisite function in the life cycle of the bigger goal.
-There is a hidden mechanism to the game, which blocks or diverts or otherwise screws up the progress of the task, such as forwarding a completed function to the wrong recipient, who must now undertake a job not their own. Players are thus thwarted a majority of occasions, usually without knowing it.
-There are promotions for efficacy; but there is no end.
-Players can chat with each other during downtime. //////
A Social Platformer Game
-There are 2 types of players: "characters" and platforms.
-Characters (like Marios) enter en mass from a fountain. Like a constant "Zerg Rush".
-They proceed across the treacherous level of shifting platforms, toward the goal.
-Platforms are motivated to either help the "Marios" (or "Zergs") or hinder them, by moving, blocking, scraping against stationary items, etc. This is entirely up to the player.
-Upon dying after a fall, characters are immediately reanimated and tossed out of the fountain. /////
The Game of the Path To Enlightenment
-This game is essentially an Indian Run (follow the leader).
-Leader takes the line of players around a map.
-They seek out destinations, people, things, or simply to finish a course or maze.
-Possibly they seek out real world places, or even visit websites, or various web portals.
-Something about coupons.
-Players in line (followers) wait for their turn up front, while issuing commands and comments to the leader about what she do, or else they watch what takes place on screen.
-Loaded with pratfalls, bad deals. /////
Polygamous Fruit Flies, the Game
-A mouse button mashing game.
-Players are fruit flies in a closed ecosystem.
-Their goal is to zone in on other fruit flies of the opposite sex and try to copulate with them.
-To copulate, the player must click repeatedly on the target while in close range. But the target may click back, and fight off the attack, if they wish. Else, they submit.
-After copulation, they die and embody one of their offspring.
-There are DNA stats associated with each fly. Within range, a fly can read these stats. The stats are basically increments and decrements, depending on whether or how much a fly is the offspring of close relatives. This gives incentive or disincentive to copulate or not.
-Players accrue points as well (not related to DNA Data), associated with the amount of successful attempts at copulation.