In the late 1980s early 1990s, FreeNet was not (just) a web domain name.
Freenet was decentralized idea of how the public (me) could get on the internet without already being a member of a privileged institution (or rich and sophisticated).
I believe the idea of what the freenet was prior to becoming a brandname
is worthy of being remembered.
I'm not much of a tube clicker here,
so apologies if this is redundant with the video.
Cats were not domesticated, they opted to coexist with a overly invasive species and have been doing pretty okay because of that, perhaps advocates of felinocide would be interested in joining VHEMT to address the root of what bothers them.
I agree, if you keep the heavenly filament model you should probably restrict the view point origin to the center to have at least have one plausibly correct interpretation.
But you have to run it on a sequence, or perhaps even more accurately, something that is putatively a sequence but may have an infinite loop in it. Tortoise & hare requires an unambiguous "next" function, which a graph does not have. Modifying it to not require that so it can run on a graph may be possible but that would constitute a different algorithm for sure, with different complexity analysis, etc.
Not really Dublin core itself, it is one of the more sedate ontologies.
But to keep up with the pack they did err, refine and expand into "terms" and "elements" but not cleanly so we will forever have the same labels for
nodes in different Dublin core name spaces.
You can have academic reasons till the cows come home but the bottom line is:
You had one job.
The four DCMI namespaces are: The /elements/1.1/ namespace was created in 2000 for the RDF representation of the fifteen-element Dublin Core and has been widely used in data for more than twenty years. This namespace corresponds to the original scope of ISO 15836, which was published first in 2003 and last revised in 2017 as ISO 15836-1:2017 [ISO 15836-1:2017. The /terms/ namespace was originally created in 2001 for identifying new terms coined outside of the original fifteen-element Dublin Core. In 2008, in the context of defining formal semantic constraints for DCMI metadata terms in support of RDF applications, the original fifteen elements themselves were mirrored in the /terms/ namespace. As a result, there exists both a dc:date ( with no formal range and a corresponding dcterms:date ( with a formal range of "literal". While these distinctions are significant for creators of RDF applications, most users can safely treat the fifteen parallel properties as equivalent. The most useful properties and classes of DCMI Metadata Terms have now been published as ISO 15836-2:2019 [ISO 15836-2:2019]. While the /elements/1.1/ namespace will be supported indefinitely, DCMI gently encourages use of the /terms/ namespace. The /dcmitype/ namespace was created in 2001 for the DCMI Type Vocabulary, which defines classes for basic types of thing that can be described using DCMI metadata terms. The /dcam/ namespace was created in 2008 for terms used in the description of DCMI metadata terms.
You may not consider yourself an affiliate but if the lawyers decide you are a teapot then you are either a teapot or were very rich.