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One bug abuse that blew my mind recently is the ability to have wireless redstone in vanilla [1]. I fell deep into that rabbit hole after a previous post on here about Bad Apple in Minecraft [2].

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLynwXDnETI [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41798369

Well, I got Monado and libsurvive running some time ago (Valve Index, X11, Nvidia), even for Beat Saber. It sadly was unplayable, because reflections were wrong in VR apps, it felt like both eyes using the same reflection angle instead of adjusting it to each eye. For close objects this was bearable, anything further away would look "wrong" and cause VR sickness. Also the FoV was wrong, it felt like a vignette around the screen edges, a good bit narrower than in SteamVR. Oh yeah, and the latest version did not build for me, used a previous one.

Performance, especially in Beat Saber, was great and better than SteamVR!

I would expect SteamVR to at least work enough for calibration. You could try switching to beta or other versions.

I don't understand why Valve of all companies isn't supporting Linux here.

My guess is they focus on Proton for Steam Deck, which can not run VR comfortably (but, it can run it via USB-C docks/dongles, the power of a full Linux PC!). So we get constantly better Proton compatibility, including work on anti cheats, but VR is low to no priority. The market is pretty small, especially if you mostly worry about Index and related PC-tethered headsets. Also developing VR for Linux can't be an easy task.

I am especially annoyed that they more or less dropped the ball when it comes to Beat Saber via Proton. Beat Saber was an official launch title for Proton, but was unplayable for months [1].

[1] https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/6638

Well, or someone could create a cardboard like holder for the Steam Deck! ;)

Overall, if you are willing to deal with some annoyances, give it a try, it might cover your use cases.

SteamVR is playable, but not at Windows level and rough around the edges. I personally run an Index on a 4080 Super (previously 3080) via the SteamVR runtime. System details in case it matters: Arch Linux Zen kernel, X11 (i3), Nvidia drivers, SteamVR Beta, usually a recent Proton GE version. I remember playing Beat Saber, including modded [1], Until You Fall, Pistol Whip, Raw Data and After the Fall without issues. Non-steam applications outside Steam can also work, I have a launch script that sets up the env vars for Proton, should be easier via Lutris.

I see some problems however. VR itself is not as smooth as it should be, 100% playable, but not as smooth as I remember it ages ago on Windows or using a FOSS VR [4] stack (which has other issues). I don't really use SteamVR home, it sometimes takes a while to load. SteamVR window on the monitor has weird flickering issues, usually I can't get into its settings, likely i3 related. Firmware updates are mostly broken. No (I think) standby for the Lighthouses, I toggle them via Home Assistant and smart plugs.

Shout out to steamtinkerlaunch [2] for making certain settings easier to apply and ProtonDB [3] for tweaks if needed.

[1] https://github.com/geefr/beatsaber-linux-goodies [2] https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch [3] https://www.protondb.com/ [4] https://monado.freedesktop.org/ https://lvra.gitlab.io/

To add another layer on top of these hacks, Windows has Address Windowing Extensions [1] that allows a 32bit process to use more than 4GB of RAM. Of course pointers are still 32bit, so you need to map the additional memory into and out of the virtual address space.

x86 and its history is full of things that look hacky, and might be, but are often there for backward compatibility. If your x86 PC still boots in BIOS mode, it comes up in 16bit real mode [2], ready to run DOS. It then moves through the decades into protected mode and lastly (for x64 systems) long mode.

[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/memory/addre... [2] https://wiki.osdev.org/Real_Mode

I had the same need and also cobbled something together to do it. This project looks far easier to use, so I will also likely switch.

Checking the Dockerfile this also uses qemu to run the actual ARM binaries, I really liked how easy it was to set this up back then. All I had to do was loop mount the RPi image and then chroot into it. Everything else was handled transparently by qemu. Of course, I didn't have nice things like resize, so I was limited to making small additions.

I have noticed multiple YT content creators just casually mentioning things like "like and subscribe for the algorithm" and even "leave a comment for the algorithm", which people do, sometimes just saying "comment for the algorithm". One creator I remember did a "if you watched until the end comment 'boat'" or similar, which of course is again just baiting more comments. It also nudges recurring viewers who know that spiel to watch until the end, because they get to enjoy the dopamine from being one of the people who can comment the word. This increases watch time, which apparently is again one of the things the algorithm uses.

Maybe I have just become more attentive to these things or they have become more prevalent, but I notice this blatant optimization for the Algorithm(tm) more and more. I guess this is the meta you need to play in order to stand out/make it in the torrent of content that is YT or social media in general. I also see this as an example of Goodhart's law as creators try to optimize for reach and thus likes etc. while the original intention of the YT Algorithm(tm) was (or should have been) to serve you content you will enjoy.

Just yesterday I discovered a channel that asks for people who watched all the way to the end to replay the video at 0.25x speed to support the channel. I have zero clue if that would work and I’m not going to do that, but he makes good videos so I mean, if others want to do, it’s whatever I guess. I no longer care about crap like that, YouTube is essentially its own medium at this point.

Youtube definitely switched at some point from rewarding number of views (which incentivized short content: 10 minutes was a bit of a meme for a bit because that was the minimum for monetizing) to rewarding watch time (which incentivizes longer content: suddenly people noticed VODs of 6 hour livestreams doing numbers), as far as their recommendations and ad rewards worked. I wouldn't be surprised if they take the video speed adjustment into consideration such that the suggested action would contribute.

I have that keyboard and gifted one to my parents. Our use case is the odd chance you need to input text or use a browser on a Smart TV. Works so much faster than the on screen keyboard. With many Smart TVs just being Android under the hood, it just works.

I find for server troubleshooting, I usually have no problem grabbing a random USB keyboard. The bigger problem is finding a screen at a convenient location and connecting that one. It often was easier to carry my server to the screen instead of the other way.

On the topic of niche input methods, I also have an "air mouse" [1] with a full keyboard on the back for my Kodi system or when connecting my desktop to the TV. I essentially never need to use it, but it has come in handy.

[1] https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0B1HKWFQV

The iPad now supports external webcams, so you can use a $5 HDMI capture card (and the free Genki Studio app) to turn it into a monitor.

This looks quite interesting, thanks for the link. It does seem to require a native viewer instead of having a web interface. I would really prefer just a website like the PiKVM. Might still get it.

I have to do an off-topic rant though. The marketing page you linked to does not really state what this device does. It has a nice look into the case and a lot of buzzwords, but nothing like a small section with "HDMI Input" or "USB keyboard emulation". Even the shop page is somewhat light on details, but it at least shows (in GIFs only) that it works as a display and has a USB port. If I wasn't given your comment as context, I would likely not have gotten the use case and closed the tab. Based on the form factor being similar to a Fire TV stick etc. I would have assumed you plug it into a Hotel TV or similar to work on that.

EDIT: Saw your edit now and I think it is kind of funny that the old HN thread is also mentioning the marketing.

I can confirm that getting a PiKVM has very much eliminated lugging around my server or a screen. Having some form of display input would be the one feature I would wish to add if given the choice. Not having HDMI-In, e.g. via capture card, makes sense in this form factor and power budget, but would make this an instant buy for me. I would really enjoy having a small, very portable device to debug things with.

I recently got linked to a CCTV tester [1] that at least handles the display part. Sadly it does not seem to have keyboard emulation. It might be possible to hack this in as this is an Android tablet at its core and the USB controller might support gadget mode.

[1] https://www.rsrteng.com/products/ipc-9800movtadhs-pro

So that was the name of it! I only had vague recollections of me setting up PuTTY with a proxycommand involving some kind of compiled to .exe Perl script. Worked out in the end with a free VPS and train station wifi. As usual, I spent far longer setting this up than actually using it, but it was one of the many small things that got me started on my career path.

Thank you for the trip down memory lane!

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