All our projects for data analytic and visualization are based on vega/vega-lite, really impressive by vega's signals design when i learned it first time(it's like rxjs, which i also love).
Seems a lit samiliar to redash, writing sql to build dashboards. or using pygwalker + streamlit for more customization.
Just come here and share my real thoughts as a potential customer.
Bought the tailwind components before, The reason that drives me to buy it is because they can really help me build landing page, and pricing page really fast.
The components in code snaps is limited and not too much fancy and complete templates, which I can hardly find reason for purchasing.
It is still in proposal stage. Parts of them can be turned into element-based easily like card, badges. But others with returned value like buttons, checkbox will change the way of usage from streamlit offical components (like the return value of button is check status, but in element-based, it is an element).