31. | | Android Wearables: Developer Preview (android.com) |
113 points by deepblueocean on March 18, 2014 | 29 comments
32. | | Why We Cancelled Our Kickstarter And Funded It Ourselves (needwant.com) |
111 points by j0ncc on March 18, 2014 | 72 comments
33. | | Lost Jet’s Path Seen as Altered via Computer (nytimes.com) |
96 points by OWaz on March 18, 2014 | 77 comments
34. | | Canvas Debugger in Firefox Developer Tools (hacks.mozilla.org) |
92 points by rnyman on March 18, 2014 | 4 comments
35. | | GNU Guile 2.0.10 (lists.gnu.org) |
87 points by lelf on March 18, 2014 | 44 comments
36. | | Nginx SPDY heap buffer overflow (affects 1.3.15 – 1.5.11) (nginx.org) |
86 points by jvt on March 18, 2014 | 29 comments
37. | | How we overcame the security flaws of performing REST API calls in JavaScript (blog.algolia.com) |
80 points by redox_ on March 18, 2014 | 19 comments
38. | | Fleep (fleep.io) |
78 points by tsudot on March 18, 2014 | 65 comments
39. | | Most Expensive Tweet Ever Sends $11,000 To Kenyan Water Charity Via Dogecoin (forbes.com/sites/matthickey) |
78 points by reppic on March 18, 2014 | 77 comments
40. | | Dissecting an interview question (dandreamsofcoding.com) |
67 points by bratfarrar on March 18, 2014 | 64 comments
41. | | Ottawa Bitcoin exchange defrauded of $100,000 in cyber currency (ottawacitizen.com) |
69 points by rpledge on March 18, 2014 | 82 comments
42. | | Glass Walls: Partial Solution to The Glass Ceiling? (micheleincalifornia.blogspot.com) |
66 points by Mz on March 18, 2014 | 41 comments
43. | | How Statisticians Could Help Find That Missing Plane (fivethirtyeight.com) |
68 points by Thrymr on March 18, 2014 | 34 comments
44. | | How Heap's 5-line MVP evolved into a 30,000 TPS beast (codeinsider.us) |
69 points by mallyvai on March 18, 2014 | 17 comments
45. | | Mt. Gox login is back (mtgox.com) |
66 points by aroman on March 18, 2014 | 30 comments
46. | | Nitrous.io raises $6.65M Series A (thenextweb.com) |
66 points by sandeepc on March 18, 2014 | 39 comments
47. | | On Github and Speaking Out (globalnerdy.com) |
59 points by jejune06 on March 18, 2014 | 41 comments
48. | | The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Why it pays to be kind (nevertryneverfail.com) |
60 points by jctanner on March 18, 2014 | 18 comments
49. | | I can no longer solve ReCAPTHCA captchas |
53 points by pbhjpbhj on March 18, 2014 | 66 comments
50. | | How to Structure and Render Views in Backbone (42floors.com) |
55 points by AlGal on March 18, 2014 | 9 comments
51. | | Gears of war: When mechanical analog computers ruled the waves (arstechnica.com) |
53 points by haomiao on March 18, 2014 | 16 comments
52. | | Colors of the iOS7 App Store (brandisty.com) |
52 points by dewey on March 18, 2014 | 13 comments
53. | | Hexagonal Architecture Guidelines For Rails (theaudaciouscodeexperiment.com) |
50 points by bestie on March 18, 2014 | 67 comments
54. | | Fix the OS of your own smartphone (with Firefox OS) (tweakblogs.net) |
48 points by janjongboom on March 18, 2014 | 25 comments
55. | | Just what we need. Another package manager. (standalone-sysadmin.com) |
45 points by MPSimmons on March 18, 2014 | 65 comments
56. | | Zesty (YC W14) Launches Healthy Catering Service (techcrunch.com) |
61 points by langer on March 18, 2014 | 27 comments
57. | | Clark's Curious Corollary of Concurrency (clarkgaebel.com) |
46 points by cgaebel on March 18, 2014 | 22 comments
58. | | How to charge for websites? (sitepoint.com) |
43 points by sdaityari on March 18, 2014 | 35 comments
59. | | Why I Self-Funded My Startup (yongfook.com) |
38 points by fookyong on March 18, 2014 | 3 comments
60. | | Show HN: Birth Control As A Service (readytogroove.com) |
38 points by jaldoretta on March 18, 2014 | 68 comments
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